(formerly Region 10 Community Support Services, Inc.)
What happens when the school bus stops coming?!
You're invited!
What: Adult Transition & Waitlist Informational Session
When: January 17th (2 Sessions one at 10AM & another at 6:30PM)
Where: Community Crossroads 8 Commerce Dr. Atkinson, NH
RSVP: Anita Trudel (603)893-1299 x334 by January 14,2013
Have you been thinking about what happens once the school bus stops coming? What’s your plan for the day after? Community Crossroads is hosting two sessions at our office on January 17, 2013 (one at 10AM and another at 6:30PM) to provide guidance and support. Choose the session time that is most convenient for you.
These sessions will provide you and your family with an update regarding the status of the Waitlist, available information regarding the current budget, and what you can do to secure necessary and essential services. Light refreshments will be served.
While these sessions are intended for individuals and/or families who:
Are currently planning for the transition from school to adult services
Will need services in 2014/2015
Have been waiting for services
It is also open to others who may be interested in learning more about planning for this transition.
Please spread the word and encourage other families and individuals who you know and are served by Community Crossroads to attend because it’s never too early to plan ahead.
Community Crossroads web site
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