Top 100 FREE Apps for Kids
Great List to explore
Sue is presenting- iCan do it all for Special Educators Monday July 16, 2012 9:00 AM until 2:00 PM Two educational themes, Flu Prevention and Weather will be the framework for learning how to use your iPad to teach special education students in PreK-5th grade. In this hands on workshop, participants will go in depth and learn how to personalize apps by working with photos and images, use multiple applications together to create useful learning tools, how to make Boardmaker files and worksheets accessible, even give them a voice. Resources for app review sites and teaching with your iPad will be discussed. Approximately 35 apps will be explored. Please bring your iPad for a hands-on experience! The cost for this workshop is $100 and checks or POs can be made payable to ERCSD-SPDC. A light breakfast and lunch will be served. Location: 30 Linden Street, Exeter, NH Click here to go to the Seacoast Professional Development Center calendar. | ||||||